New academic posts announced at Birkbeck

Today a series of new academic posts at Birkbeck have been advertised, on the Birkbeck jobs website (which is due for an upgrade, don’t be put off!) and elsewhere, such as the Times Higher Education website. These look to be a great set of positions, many focusing on globalisation and the transnational, very apropos of … Continue Reading

A wee little ethnography of ICA 2016

I’ve gone and done something I always wanted to do: write an ethnography of a conference; to be precise, one of the 2016 ICA conference in Fukuoka, Japan. Now, straight away, the proviso I’d make is that I’ve written one that is quite short and modest (UPDATE: and certainly it doesn’t merit the title of … Continue Reading

Second Mediapolis essay: ‘Small-gauge as remediating and metamedial’

My second essay within the special Mediapolis roundtable on ‘small-gauge’ scholarship, which has been running over the past few weeks, has now been published. It’s been a really interesting exchange which tries to confront and tease out the emergent notion of small-gauge scholarship, a term contained in the founding mission statement of the journal. If … Continue Reading