This edited video by Neil Curtis gives a nice 180 second overview of the over-the-top adjectives used by Steve Jobs and associates at the recent launch of the new Apple iPad. No repeated scenes here, this was all really in there – and some amazing, wonderful, unbelievable adjectives were even left out. Not that this … Continue Reading
Easy how-to guide on constructing a news clip
This is really brilliant stuff. Charlie Brooker on his excellent BBC show Newswipe (which I think is easily superior to The Daily Show) encapsulates how to construct a news clip. It rests on the idea of news clips having an easily recognizable form; which reminds me of the classic debates in studies of media effects … Continue Reading
Visualizing cyberscapes
Caught wind of a really interesting new blog called Floating Sheep. As many will be aware, more and more of the data we see emerging through the Internet is geo-coded, that is, it is associated to a particular location on the earth (for example, by longitude and latitude). And, increasingly this data is user created. … Continue Reading