Good blog post on my BISR seminar

The great interns at BISR have written an excellent post on my seminar on ‘the networked academic’ which I think captures the event really well, in terms of content as well as the audience’s contributions (which I regret not allowing more time for at the end). One small correction – where I was referring to … Continue Reading

Academia in a digital/networked world: a Guardian HE Network ‘live chat’

Along with my colleagues Sophie Hope and Lorraine Lim – with whom I am co-organising a postgraduate workshop series – I have been invited to partake in a ‘Live Chat’ hosted by the Guardian Higher Education Network. That chat, which takes place on 3 June 2011, addresses the topic ‘Breaching the digital divide: How could … Continue Reading

More to come…

It’s been too long since I have written in these parts. My excuse is twofold: (1) most importantly, happily becoming a parent for the first time this past December, which, for those in the know, is a momentous and notably anti-blog-post-writing event; and (2) enduring a remarkably busy teaching term, of which I am only … Continue Reading

University of Sussex, but not as we knew it

A rather different University of Sussex than the one I recounted on my visit in January for an event dedicated to Roger Silverstone (and the naming of a new Silverstone Building on campus). The riot police shown in the clip embody the University’s apparently heavy-handed philosophy around how to respond to student protest. Students were … Continue Reading