The website for last year’s ‘City Maps’ workshop – which I co-convened with Mari Paz Balibrea and Lawrence Webb – is now live. This series was funded by the CHASE Doctoral Training Partnership, and included workshops led by Johan Andersson, Iain Borden, Ben Fraser, Shannon Mattern, Rebecca Ross and Clancy Wilmott. I’d be remiss to not also acknowledge the support Mara Arts provided us as well.
We encouraged doctoral students to explore, discuss and experiment with different ways of conceptualising and studying cities in the arts and humanities. Hopefully, its participants left with some new knowledge, tools and/or approaches for engaging the urban as an object of study in their own research. Over the next few days, I will blog some highlights from the site.
For the time being, though, do check out this film overview of the workshop, produced by the wonderful Henry Bradley.
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