My article ‘Roots and fields: excursions through place, space, and local in hyperlocal media‘ is now available in print Volume 40, Issue 6, pp. 856 – 874 of Media, Culture & Society (subscription required – green open access is available on BIROn). I include the article abstract below. Roots and fields: excursions through place, space, … Continue Reading
The mediated city: a tour of media and mediation in West End London
My Birkbeck colleague Joel McKim and I are going to be leading an ‘urban media tour’ of West End London in just over a week, on Wednesday 22 May, 2013. This tour is, in part, based on a tour I originally developed for my undergraduate module The Mediated City, though it’s now being re-purposed (with … Continue Reading
Academia in a digital/networked world: a Guardian HE Network ‘live chat’
Along with my colleagues Sophie Hope and Lorraine Lim – with whom I am co-organising a postgraduate workshop series – I have been invited to partake in a ‘Live Chat’ hosted by the Guardian Higher Education Network. That chat, which takes place on 3 June 2011, addresses the topic ‘Breaching the digital divide: How could … Continue Reading
What is research amongst technologies?
A recent adventure in which I’ve been involved in organising (with Sophie Hope and Lorraine Lim) is a Summer Term 2011 postgraduate workshop series on Doing research amongst technologies. Aside from work going into convening the different sessions in the workshop series, I managed to talk myself into co-leading the opening workshop. Luckily, I had … Continue Reading
Hayles: technogenesis, distributed cognition and hyperattention
I thoroughly enjoyed N. Katherine Hayles’ seminar earlier this afternoon at London Southbank University, as part of a double bill with Lev Manovich. Hayles’ talk was rich, and certainly full of more insights than I can recount here. But a couple of basic and I think very interesting ideas were at the core of the … Continue Reading
N. Katherine Hayles and Lev Manovich double bill in London
Recently I wrote about an enticing forthcoming conference at Swansea University on The Computational Turn, which, alas, I was unable to attend. Well, good news has arrived for us all in London, and indeed, the South East of England. The two keynotes of that conference – N. Katherine Hayles and Lev Manovich – have been … Continue Reading
The iPad in incredible, amazing, unbelieveable and gorgeous adjectives
This edited video by Neil Curtis gives a nice 180 second overview of the over-the-top adjectives used by Steve Jobs and associates at the recent launch of the new Apple iPad. No repeated scenes here, this was all really in there – and some amazing, wonderful, unbelievable adjectives were even left out. Not that this … Continue Reading
Computing arts and humanities matter
A couple of months ago I noticed this intersesting event, The Computational Turn, which will be held at Swansea University on 9 March 2010. The conference promises a slightly unconventional take on the ‘arts and humanities’, considering the ways in which digital or computation-based technologies and techniques are fundamentally transforming the means and forms through … Continue Reading
Remembering Roger Silverstone
Academic events come and go, and are sometimes quite unremarkable occasions; at their worst, there can be an underlying feeling of ‘going through the motions’. Attending ‘The Work of Roger Silverstone’ at the University of Sussex yesterday, I felt very far from one of those mundane academic gatherings. This was Silverstone encapsulated in a very … Continue Reading
Intermingling McLuhan, Latour, Harman and Kittler
In the lead up to starting this blog I have kept a list of possible future posts. Call it a repository of best intentions. One of those best intentions was to think through – probably in more than one post – the connections and disconnections between recent relational materialist writing like actor-network theory and writing … Continue Reading