GeoMedia 2015: formalizing ‘communication geography’?

Has research ‘carried out at the crossroads of Geography, Media and Film Studies’ reached such volume and complexity to necessitate a major international conference which seeks to assess ‘the prospects of communication geography as a more formalized academic field’? Apparently the answer is yes, seeing the advanced call for papers for GeoMedia 2015, which will … Continue Reading

Geography’s digital turn?

Prompted by receiving – completely unsolicited I’d add – this month’s GIM International (the ‘global magazine for geomatics’), I thought I better get in a thought I had in the wake of this year’s Association of American Geographers (AAG) annual meeting in Los Angeles; an event for which the sun has definitely set, and soon … Continue Reading

(Yet) another media city conference: Mediating Cityscapes

With forthcoming conferences in Leeds (Communication and the City) and Helsinki (The Spectacular/Contested/Ordinary Media City), not to mention the special Media and Urban Life (PDF) track in which I recently presented at the Urban Affairs Association conference, it’s been a very busy year for all things media and cities. Now, we can add yet another … Continue Reading

Interviews and more at Figure/Ground

I’ve just noticed an interesting and relatively new website: Figure/Ground. Originally a personal academic blog, it has now evolved into a student-led collaborative project. The site aims to bring ‘philosophers, historians and critics of media, literature and technology into a conversation’ and to be ‘a virtual salon or coffee house, creating a democratic space for … Continue Reading

Mattern’s account of Media Places conference

When I first heard of the conference Media Places: Infrastructure | Space | Media I thought to myself, ‘how could I have missed hearing about that one!?’ The answer, I soon learned, was very simple: it was invite-only, as good events often necessarily are. Luckily, Shannon Mattern over at her blog Words in Space has … Continue Reading