Has research ‘carried out at the crossroads of Geography, Media and Film Studies’ reached such volume and complexity to necessitate a major international conference which seeks to assess ‘the prospects of communication geography as a more formalized academic field’? Apparently the answer is yes, seeing the advanced call for papers for GeoMedia 2015, which will … Continue Reading
Call for chapter proposals: Conditions of Mediation
In the wake of what we thought was a very productive Conditions of Mediation ICA preconference in June 2013, Tim Markham and I are now preparing a proposal for an edited book under the same title. The proposed format of the book is to have a substantive introduction, two ‘dialogues’ involving Graham Harman, Lisa Parks, … Continue Reading
Repeat media tour of West End London on 19 June 2013
On 19 June 2013, Joel McKim and I will be leading a repeat of the media tour we led together for the first time in May (we’re both shown doing so in the photo above – though Joel’s looking away, at the Apple Store – credit to Joe Smith from the OU for taking it). … Continue Reading
The mediated city: a tour of media and mediation in West End London
My Birkbeck colleague Joel McKim and I are going to be leading an ‘urban media tour’ of West End London in just over a week, on Wednesday 22 May, 2013. This tour is, in part, based on a tour I originally developed for my undergraduate module The Mediated City, though it’s now being re-purposed (with … Continue Reading
Geography’s digital turn?
Prompted by receiving – completely unsolicited I’d add – this month’s GIM International (the ‘global magazine for geomatics’), I thought I better get in a thought I had in the wake of this year’s Association of American Geographers (AAG) annual meeting in Los Angeles; an event for which the sun has definitely set, and soon … Continue Reading
(Yet) another media city conference: Mediating Cityscapes
With forthcoming conferences in Leeds (Communication and the City) and Helsinki (The Spectacular/Contested/Ordinary Media City), not to mention the special Media and Urban Life (PDF) track in which I recently presented at the Urban Affairs Association conference, it’s been a very busy year for all things media and cities. Now, we can add yet another … Continue Reading
The ouster of Blockbuster (or, formats dying a slow death)
I’ve been meaning to get this photo off of my camera and post it for a while. At least a year ago, I took a photo of this same Blockbuster outlet (in Crouch End, North London) and the sign read ‘OC BUSTER’. It may or may not be surprising that they’ve simply let their presence … Continue Reading
Interviews and more at Figure/Ground
I’ve just noticed an interesting and relatively new website: Figure/Ground. Originally a personal academic blog, it has now evolved into a student-led collaborative project. The site aims to bring ‘philosophers, historians and critics of media, literature and technology into a conversation’ and to be ‘a virtual salon or coffee house, creating a democratic space for … Continue Reading
Mattern’s account of Media Places conference
When I first heard of the conference Media Places: Infrastructure | Space | Media I thought to myself, ‘how could I have missed hearing about that one!?’ The answer, I soon learned, was very simple: it was invite-only, as good events often necessarily are. Luckily, Shannon Mattern over at her blog Words in Space has … Continue Reading
Video of The Politics of War Reporting critical symposium
Above you can view the video of the critical symposium held last month to mark the launch of Tim Markham’s new book The Politics of War Reporting: Authority, Authenticity and Morality (Manchester University Press), which I chaired and helped organise. The panelists, who brought forth some great and critical points for debate and discussion, were: … Continue Reading