My article ‘Roots and fields: excursions through place, space, and local in hyperlocal media‘ is now available in print Volume 40, Issue 6, pp. 856 – 874 of Media, Culture & Society (subscription required – green open access is available on BIROn). I include the article abstract below. Roots and fields: excursions through place, space, … Continue Reading
New publication in MCS: Roots and fields: excursions through place, space, and local in hyperlocal media
I have a new journal article published today in Media, Culture and Society, titled ‘Roots and fields: excursions through place, space, and local in hyperlocal media’. I’m really pleased to have something appear in MCS. Before I became more immersed in media and cultural studies, it was the one journal I really looked to as … Continue Reading
Re-locating media production: IJCS special issue now online
After a slightly confusing spate of digital publishing and then re-publishing, I can finally announce that ‘Re-locating media production’, a special issue in the International Journal of Cultural Studies that I have co-edited with Helen Morgan Parmett, is now available online. I list all the abstracts below, and include links to the OnlineFirst page at … Continue Reading
Bloomsbury’s Gordon Square: Workplace becomes media production space
[Note: this post has been edited to remove details of the specific production in question. I’m being cautious as a colleague reminded me of a non-disclosure agreement to which I am indirectly a party. However I have decided not to remove the entire post, since the rest pertains to observations made in outdoor public space, … Continue Reading
Tentative techlocalities: paper abstract for forthcoming GeoMedia Speaker Series
Exactly one month from today, I will be fortunate enough to give an invited paper to the GeoMedia Research Group at Karlstad University in Sweden, as part of their GeoMedia Speaker Series. Karlstad University is a quite special place for thinking and talking about the relationships of geography and media since, as far as I … Continue Reading
‘Holding Things in Common’ Symposium at Birkbeck
Richard Evans, a PhD student at Birkbeck, is co-organising a postgraduate and early career symposium titled Holding Things in Common: the vernacular, everyday objects and memory at the Birkbeck Cinema on Monday 12th May. The event includes three panels showcasing a wide range of interesting papers (see schedule below). This will be followed by a … Continue Reading
Mattern’s account of Media Places conference
When I first heard of the conference Media Places: Infrastructure | Space | Media I thought to myself, ‘how could I have missed hearing about that one!?’ The answer, I soon learned, was very simple: it was invite-only, as good events often necessarily are. Luckily, Shannon Mattern over at her blog Words in Space has … Continue Reading
Shaun Moores added as keynote for Conditions of Mediation preconference
Over at the Conditions of Mediation blog/website we have announced that Shaun Moores, Professor of Media and Communications in the Centre for Research in Media and Cultural Studies at the University of Sunderland has been confirmed as our sixth keynote speaker. Professor Moores is well-known, generally and to me as well, as one of the … Continue Reading