I’ve been surprised of late to see a lot more UK academic jobs than the current HE climate would suggest. And now it’s my own department’s turn it seems to enter into the fray.
This week, we in the Department of Media and Cultural Studies at Birkbeck, University of London are inviting applications from outstanding candidates for three full-time positions: a Lecturer in Media and Creative Industries; a Lecturer in Media and Cultural Studies; and a Lecturer in Journalism and Media.
The job descriptions set out the different areas we are looking for with each post, though depending on research interests some candidates may be suited to apply for more than one post. For all posts, we expect a commitment to excellence in research that broadly complements current staff interests (see our staff profile pages for more information). Crucially, we are also explicitly looking committed educators, experienced in or dedicated to teaching the highly diverse body of students we have at Birkbeck.
The deadline for all three positions is Friday, 20 April 2012. Informal enquiries can be directed to either Tim Markham (t.markham@bbk.ac.uk) or me (s.rodgers@bbk.ac.uk).
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